0,9 - 8,0 KW
Der Unterschied zwischen einem Wechselrichter und einem Standardgenerator besteht in der Art des vom Gerät erzeugten Stroms. Der Invertergenerator verfügt wie der Standardgenerator über einen Generator. Der Unterschied besteht darin, dass es Wechselstrom (AC) über ein Gerät in Gleichstrom (DC) umwandelt und ihn dann über einen Wechselrichter wieder in Wechselstrom umwandelt.
BISON, professioneller globaler Hersteller von Wechselrichtergeneratoren.
Kontaktieren Sie BISONSPEZIFIKATIONEN | BS-R1250iS | BS-R2000iS | BS-R2000 | BS-R2500is | BS-R3500iE | BS-R4000i | BS-R8000iD | BS-5000iE |
Motortyp | Einzylinder, 4-Takt, OHV | |||||||
Bohrung * Hub | 45*38mm | 48*43mm | 48*43mm | 60*43mm | 70*55mm | 70*55mm | 90*66mm | 90*66mm |
Verschiebung | 60 ml | 79,7 ml | 97,7 ccm | 122 ml | 212 ml | 212 ml | 212 ml | 420 ml |
Kompressionsrate | 8,2:1 | 8,7:1 | 2.2 | 8,2:1 | 8,0:1 | 8,5:1 | 8,0:1 | 8,5:1 |
Nennfrequenz | 50/60Hz | |||||||
Nennspannung | 110/120/220/230/240/380/400V | |||||||
Nennleistung | 1,0 kW | 1,8 kW | 2,3 kW | 2,3 kW | 3,2 kW | 3,2 kW | 7,0 kW | 6,8 kW |
Maximale Kraft | 1,1 kW | 2,0 kW | 2,2 kW | 2,5 kW | 3,5 kW | 3,5 kW | 7,5 kW | 7,5 kW |
DC-Ausgang | 12V/5A | 12V/8,3A | ||||||
Startsystem | Rückstoß | Rückstoßstarter/Elektrostarter | ||||||
Treibstofftank Kapazität | 2,6L | 4,0 l | 4,0 l | 4,5 l | 8,3 l | 7L | 15L | 24L |
Kontinuumslaufzeit bei Volllast | 3,5h | 4h | 4h | 3h | 5h | 4,3h | 6,5h | 6h |
1/2 Lastkontinuumslaufzeit | 5,2h | 6h | 6h | 5h | 8,5h | 7h | 10h | 8h |
Lärm (7m) | 63 dB | 67 dB | 67 dB | 67 dB | 66 dB | 76 dB | 76 dB | 76 dB |
Abmessungen (L * B * H) (mm) | 450*240*395 | 498*290*459 | 498*290*459 | 520*320*450 | 605*432*493 | 502*350*495 | 605*514*537 | 695*641*643 |
Nettogewicht | 13kg | 22kg | 23kg | 25kg | 44,5 kg | 30kg | 65kg | 76kg |
Ihre Zufriedenheit ist unser ewiges Streben, das größte Glück
Der Unterschied zwischen einem Wechselrichter und einem Standardgenerator besteht in der Art des vom Gerät erzeugten Stroms. Der Invertergenerator verfügt wie der Standardgenerator über einen Generator. Der Unterschied besteht darin, dass es Wechselstrom (AC) über ein Gerät in Gleichstrom (DC) umwandelt und ihn dann über einen Wechselrichter wieder in Wechselstrom umwandelt.
Stromausfälle: Wenn es aufgrund von Naturkatastrophen oder Naturkatastrophen zu Stromausfällen kommt, ist die Benzinversorgung beeinträchtigt. Menschen, die in rauen Klimazonen leben, wissen, wie wichtig eine Erdgasversorgung zu Hause ist. Bei einem Stromausfall kann das gelagerte Benzin jedoch verderben oder schnell verbraucht werden. Eine zweite Kraftstoffoption kann Ihnen mehr Sicherheit geben. Das gespeicherte Propan hält Ihren Generator am Laufen, wenn das Gas ausgeht, und das Schöne an Propan ist, dass es eine sehr lange Haltbarkeit hat (über acht Jahre).
Construction sites: Many construction sites do not have grid power. On a job site like this, a generator can power your tools, especially when the main power source is interrupted. A dual-fuel generator goes even further, allowing you to run the machine on gasoline and propane. Remember that dual fuel inverters can only run tools with power requirements lower than the output power of the inverter.
FUN AND ENTERTAINMENT: Dual fuel inverters are also a great choice for fun activities such as RVs, camping, tailgating and beach parties. Running a dual fuel inverter on propane is a practical option for this type of activity. Not only does propane produce less noise, but its exhaust is also less harmful than gasoline.
Most inverter generators have no problem running modern refrigerators, which only require up to 1,000 watts at startup. If you're looking to power the refrigerator in your RV or home, you'll want to look at at least the mid-range range (2,000 to 4,500 watts).
The main difference between these two types of generators is how they operate. When you run it, the inverter adjusts its power level to the equipment it's powering, so it's more efficient. With inverters, there's also less technical maintenance required - unlike traditional generators, they don't No special handling is required for standard maintenance. They can be more easily paired with other units for parallel functionality without the need for new transfer switch connections. They are generally quieter, lighter and more portable than your standard generator options.
This is not the case with conventional generators. They require a certain speed to provide power (usually 3,000 RPM) and maintain a steady current flow. After getting power from your favorite fuel (the most commonly used power source), the motor works with the alternator to produce a steady power output.
You will notice this if the engine speed of your conventional generator changes. Such fluctuations will cause fluctuations in the electrical output frequency.
Another major difference is portability. Inverter generators are smaller, lighter, and may even have wheels, making them easier to carry around. This is why portable inverter generators are so popular among campers.
Parallel connections allow you to connect two inverters of the same model and double the power output and sockets. This feature comes in handy when you have to run heavy machines that a single inverter can't manage. For example, you need to run a sound system at a 3000 watt outdoor party and you have a 2000 watt inverter. If a friend of yours also happens to have a 2000 watt inverter (same model), you can connect two units in parallel and get a 4000 watt output. This way you can run your speaker system and still have some power to run some other equipment.
Ein Wechselrichtergenerator verfügt nicht über einen separaten Motor und Generator; Es vereint die beiden Teile in einer Maschine und macht sie dadurch leichter und kompakter. Wechselrichter funktionieren, indem sie Wechselstrom aufnehmen, ihn in Gleichstrom zerlegen und ihn dann in einen kontrollierten, stabilen und hochwertigen Wechselstrom umwandeln.
In den letzten Jahren hat das Aufkommen von Wechselrichtergeneratoren dazu geführt, dass die Menschen ihren Strombedarf bequemer und schneller decken können. Viele Generatorgroßhandelsfabriken in China haben auch damit begonnen, die Technologie von Wechselrichtergeneratoren weltweit bekannt zu machen.
Wenn Sie darüber nachdenken, es jetzt zu versuchen, einen chinesischen Wechselrichtergenerator importieren möchten oder lange im Internet gesucht haben, aber keine geeignete Fabrik für Wechselrichtergeneratoren gefunden haben, sind Sie bei uns genau richtig. Die folgenden Informationen helfen Ihnen bei der Auswahl des besten Geräts. Wir haben superleisen Wechselrichtergeneratoren , Dual-Fuel-Wechselrichtergeneratoren und verschiedene Wechselrichtergeneratoren .
Vereinfacht ausgedrückt wandelt der Wechselrichtergenerator die durch fossile Brennstoffe erzeugte Energie in elektrische Energie um.
Der gewöhnliche Generator besteht aus zwei Hauptteilen – dem Motor und der Lichtmaschine. Der Motor verbraucht Kraftstoff wie Benzin oder Propan und dreht die Welle. Der Generator besteht aus zwei Hauptkomponenten: dem Rotor und dem Stator. Die Motorwelle dreht den Rotor und erzeugt so Strom im Stator. Das Netzteil gelangt in das Bedienfeld und dient zur Stromversorgung aller benötigten Geräte – Elektrowerkzeuge, Elektrogeräte usw.
Allerdings verfügt der Inverter-Generator nicht über einen separaten Motor und Generator; Es vereint diese beiden Teile in einer Maschine und macht sie dadurch leichter und kompakter. Das Funktionsprinzip des Wechselrichters besteht darin, Wechselstrom zu gewinnen, ihn in Gleichstrom zu zerlegen und ihn dann in einen kontrollierten, stabilen und hochwertigen Wechselstrom umzuwandeln.
Der Wechselrichtergenerator erzeugt Strom im Format einer „reinen Sinuswelle“ (dh einer kontinuierlichen glatten Welle). Die herkömmliche Generatortechnologie liefert Strom in Form einer zerhackten Rechteckwelle.
Der von der Lichtmaschine erzeugte Wechselstrom (AC) wird an den Gleichrichter gesendet, der ein Gerät ist, das den Wechselstrom in Gleichstrom (DC) umwandelt. Bevor der Gleichstrom dann an das Bedienfeld gesendet wird, wandelt der Computer im Generator den Gleichstrom wieder in Wechselstrom um. Daher kommt auch der Name „Wechselrichter“.
Inverter-Generatoren liefern sauberen, reinen Strom, während Generatoren herkömmlicher Modelle Überspannungen und Spannungsspitzen aufweisen, die Geräte beschädigen können und einer stabilen Stromabgabe nicht förderlich sind.
The inverter generator can protect your Gadgets, such as mobile phones, laptops, etc., to prevent the product from overheating and overloading during charging. The traditional portable generator provides a higher output than the frequency converter, and transmits the generated electricity directly to the control panel through a voltage stabilizer or other protection device, but not necessarily a "clean up" the power source. However, the result of inverter technology is cleaner power delivery, which can be adjusted up and down according to the load to minimize total harmonic distortion (THD), this makes variable frequency generators very suitable for sensitive equipment.
In addition to being very suitable for charging your laptop or mobile phone, the inverter generator also be suitable for your household electricity. Because of its quietness, it will not disturb your neighbors or your travel.
When users pack for a big weekend camping trip, lugging a bulky gasoline generator to the back of a van is a pain. This is no longer the case with BISON inverter generators, most of them are average sized and weigh around 50 to 80 pounds, which anyone can lift. They are smaller and lighter than ordinary generators, this means that it can be easily moved to where power is needed. In addition, fishing trips, outdoor adventures, and any other types of activities that require portable, reliable, stable and quiet power sources.
One of the main advantages of inverter generators is low noise, making them ideal for applications with decibel limits, such as farmers markets and campgrounds. Sound attenuation engineering makes BISON inverter generators ideal for neighborhood block parties, food trucks and sensitive building environments.
Compared with other generators, variable frequency generators have better fuel efficiency, allowing the engine to utilize fuel during peak periods and provide smooth service for long periods of time.
This is difficult to do with many gasoline generators, users can connect two BISON inverter generators together with a parallel kit to increase the amount of power needed.
Compared to conventional generators, it produces less carbon emissions and is more fuel efficient, so it can meet local environmental quality requirements.
Due to the advanced technology, the cost of these inverters is higher than that of traditional equipment. While inverter generators are expensive, but they run longer, are quieter, and are more efficient.
Although they provide steady power, they are not as powerful as traditional generators. If you need more power, you can connect two units.
Inverter generators are a very reliable source of energy that can meet the needs of various electrical equipment powered by generators.
When you are in the market for an inverter generator, you will find that there are many different types of generators to choose from. If you are confused, you can follow BISON to learn about the different types of inverter generators that can be adapted to various applications.
Explore inverter generator to match your project!
Inverter generators with a maximum output of more than 5,000 watts are recommended on the job site.
It can run power tools and can be connected directly to the electrical panel. These generators are equipped with a safety transfer switch.
Since it is the heaviest and largest type of inverter generator, they have built-in wheels for easy transport around the job site.
A medium-sized inverter generator with a maximum output of 3,500 watts is ideal for home backup power.
Can run basic household appliances: electric stove, air conditioner, cooler, radio and TV.
Safe to use on sensitive devices like laptops and mobile phones.
BISON inverter generator with a maximum output of 2,000 watts is more than enough for camping and outdoor recreation.
2200 watt inverter generator can power campsite lights for safety, power portable electric stoves and charge mobile devices.
Very quiet and will not disturb nearby campers. Portable and can be easily put into the car.
If we differentiate according to fuel type, inverter generators are simply divided into three types. The most common uses gasoline as the fuel, however, there are some options on the market that use propane or natural gas.
The above are the main types of inverter generators, to make the best investment when working with inverter generator suppliers, please also consider the following factors:
Do you want to sell to people who take their generator with them on the go, or as a backup generator in case of a power outage? Once you've determined what you're going to buy your generator for, you can determine how many watts you'll need. So you can choose the appropriate power according to the guide:
Light duty (tent camping, tailgating, etc.): 1,000 to 3,000 watts
Medium (RV camping, emergency home use, work site, etc.): 3,000 to 4,500 watts
Heavy Duty (powers the entire home, powers the welder, etc.): 4,500+ watts
If you're only using it to power a radio or a small refrigerator, a compact portable generator might be the way to go. If you want to keep things like your RV air conditioner running, you need a medium-sized inverter generator with slightly more power than a small generator.
Some shoppers will consider their physical size and weight. As the name suggests, hand-held inverter generators can be picked up with one hand and carried easily, as they are typically lightweight, around 40 to 50 pounds. The downside is that these units typically have a power output of 2,200 watts and below.
Wheeled units provide more power (3,000+ watts), but they are big and heavy. So it might be easier to use one of these units as a home generator. BISON's wheel kits are also sold separately so you can add them to your existing generator, or replace your old wheel kits, having a wheel kit will make transporting heavy duty inverter generators easier.
Inverter generators typically use gasoline as the fuel source, and dual-fuel inverter generators can also run on propane. This is a great advantage as it will help you sell better, such as meeting power output requirements, local fuel availability and the type of fuel on hand.
Inverter generators have a separate fuel tank with fuel capacity ranging from as little as 2 gallons to over 10 gallons. The larger the tank on the generator, the longer the power will last, but the size of the generator itself will also increase. For dual fuel inverter generators, since the propane gas is stored in the tank, which is connected to the generator by a hose, there is basically no significant change in the size of the generator.
The inverter generator has two ignition methods: electric start switch and recoil start:
Electric Start: Generators with electric start store extra power in an internal battery that automatically starts the device. Users can simply press a button. This way of starting is much easier than starting with recoil. But if the internal battery is dead, you won't be able to use electric start.
Recoil start: Recoil start is an old but reliable technique. This method of starting requires you to pull the recoil line quickly and steadily to start the engine. Although the generator may be pulled more than a few times when using the generator, however, there will be no situation where the electric start variable frequency generator cannot be started due to insufficient battery power due to too long storage time.
Remote start: Portable inverter generator with wireless remote start includes a handy remote key to ensure quick and easy access to the inverter generator.
Most of what BISON offers are inverter generators that support parallel use, also known as load sharing. Using BISON's connection kit, users can safely combine the power of two generators. Also, having two generators prevents one of them from failing and not being able to generate electricity.
The most notable difference between inverters and open generators is the amount of noise they produce. Open generators produce decibel levels well over 100 dB. Inverter generators are about half as noisy as open-frame models, typically in the 50 to 60 dB range. Inverter generators also use sensors to detect how much power they need to consume, throttling smaller loads and producing lower noise levels.
Refrigerator | 50 decibels |
Normal voice | 60 decibels |
Vacuum cleaner | 70 decibels |
Hair dryer | 70 to 90 decibels |
Motorcycle | 95 to 110 decibels |
Last but not least, make sure the inverter generator is within your budget. Although you are free to choose some additional features offered by BISON, wholesale a few machines that will not exceed your budget is the most important consideration.
Here are also things you should always keep in mind if you want to wholesale the most suitable inverter generator:
Focus on how the machine's specs really work for you, and don't get swayed by flashy language or overpromises from the manufacturer.
Wholesale branded inverter generators may be better, especially if you are new to inverter generators. Their customer service is more reliable and you should expect better quality.
The best inverter generator for you is not necessarily the most expensive. Compare suppliers in different places and see if you can get everything you need without breaking your budget.
If other conditions are equal between the two inverter generators, the best service wins.
We are a professional nverter generator manufacturer in China. BISON has a variety of easy-to-use inverter generators to choose from, suitable for most outdoor activities or construction sites.
Finally, it is also essential to simply understand the safety operation tips of the inverter generator.
Point the exhaust vent away from nearby people and pets.
Before plugging in, make sure your inverter generator is turned on.
Cool the inverter before adding fuel.
Never run the generator indoors. Choose a model with an automatic CO shut-off switch to avoid possible carbon dioxide poisoning.
Never overload the generator.
Make sure there is oil in the generator before running it.
Always use fresh gasoline.
Make sure the propane hose and gas cylinder are connected correctly.
Always use the transfer switch to connect the generator to the main panel.
Always use the canopy when running the machine in rain or snow.
Inverter generators are a great thing. Hopefully with our help you have some good ideas for inverter generators to help you make the right choice when it comes to new inverter generators.
If you are still not sure which inverter generator is most suitable, or you want to do more research, please jump to the BISON inverter generator page, you can quickly find the best inverter generator, or send a message to contact us directly.
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